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NEW APP, ‘SINGAPP: PARKINSON’S’ LAUNCHES IN THE UK TODAY Patients living with Parkinson’s in the UK will, from this summer, be able to...
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The final push
We are a hive of activity at Medising headquarters making sure all come together before the final launch of the app.; We have decided on...
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ACE Funding, Focus Groups and Recordings
So we have secured funding from ACE supported by Britten Pears Arts, Sing to Beat Parkinson's and Trinity Laban to finish the app and...
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Crowdfunder! Thank you - we did it!
Thank you for all the donations. This will help with the next stage of fundraising!
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From this basic drawing to.......
See more about the design here
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The value of this work
Here is some feedback from our co-creators... Would definitely use it. Enjoy using it – got easier to use as confidence grew. Very...
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So much detail in design
Evolution of design....these two designs show the power of co-creation. The first was redesigned with input from the people living with...
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Everyone needs a logo?
For our Parkinson's app - see the two 'P's' for people with Parkinson's as airbuds....Thanks you Simon Wild our designer.
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Focus Group
What is the best way to develop technological solutions for people living with Parkinson's? Well - to co-create. We ran a series of...
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Technological solutions for people with health conditions?
The pandemic has caused us all to use more and more digital technology. But could there be a benefit for people with long term health...
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